RPS Chatter October 2023
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
Referendum BBQ, Slide, Bake Sale & Flea Market
23.10.23 - 26.10.23/
12:00am-2:50pmFoundation, Year 1 & 2 Swimming Program
RPS Colour Run
30.10.23 - 2.11.23/
11:30pm-2:50pmYear 3 – 5 Swimming Program
Student Free Day
Gleadell Street Market Community Stall
Student-free days
24.04.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.06.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
9.08.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
1.09.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
6.11.23 - 12:00am
Student Free Day
Term dates
- Term 1 27.01.23 - 6.04.23
- Term 2 24.04.23 - 23.06.23
- Term 3 10.07.23 - 15.09.23
- Term 4 2.10.23 - 20.12.23
Message from the Assistant Principal
Welcome back to term 4. I hope your school holidays were wonderful and provided an opportunity for your family to 聽recharge and prepare for another term of learning. Our staff spent the last week of term 3 looking ahead and planning for many exciting learning adventures. Here are some special events that will occur during Term 4;
- School swimming program Foundation – Year 5
- Open water swimming program Year 6
- Colour Run
- Excursions
- Whole school transition
- Foundation 2024 transition
- Curriculum Day- a day of professional learning for all staff Year 6 graduation
Child Safety at Richmond Primary: Information for families and the school community.
The Victorian Government has announced new Child Safe Standards to further strengthen child safety across organisations, including schools. The new standards recognise the critical importance of families and the broader school community in promoting child safety and wellbeing.
Richmond Primary have reviewed and updated our child safe policies and procedures to ensure they meet the requirements of the new standards. These are available to view on our school website, or a copy can be collected from the school office.
We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to child safety and well being and welcome feedback from families and members of the school community on ways we can further strengthen our child safety policies and procedures and practices.
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Richmond Primary we welcome and encourage your feedback.
If you have any comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact the school on 94281909 or email us at richmond.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Reading Dogs at Richmond Primary
On Tuesday we introduced students to the idea of some reading dogs being part of our school community.聽 These dogs, Lenny and Charlie, came for a sniff and to see how students would respond to them鈥e wanted to make sure it was a good fit before we moved forward.聽 Both Lenny and Charlie have previously been reading dogs at another school to the benefit of many students.聽 At all times, the dogs will be with their owner (who has a current working with children check) or Megan.
For individuals who may be nervous about reading aloud or have anxiety about their reading abilities, the presence of a calm and non-judgemental dog can help them feel more relaxed and confident.聽 We are aware that some students are nervous around dogs, so as a staff we pre-warned these students and provided them with an alternative when the dogs came for a visit as we don鈥檛 want anyone to feel uncomfortable.聽 The benefits are immense and not just in schools.聽 Some companies even use puppies at least once a month in their offices to reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.聽 Overall, the initial sniff/visit was a huge success, and we look forward to welcoming Charlie and Lenny on Tuesdays
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Kind regards,
Richmond Primary Polling Station
RPS will once again be a polling booth for the upcoming Referendum and when there is voting to be done, there are sausages to be cooked!
We will also have a giant inflatable slide, our usual bake sale (all proceeds to the bake sale are going to the grade 6 graduation) and for the first time, we are trialling a flea market. If you are keen to move some of your treasures to a new home or have some crafts that you would like to sell, you can apply for a stall on Referendum Day for just $25.
Please see the below flyers for further information
BBQ Democracy Sausage
Flea Market
Bake Sale
Russell's Joke of the week
What falls but never hits the ground?
The temperature.
Activities at RPS (Term 4)
Please see the below list of activities that you can enrol your child into for Term 4:
Drama lessons: Thursdays, Lunch Time
Music Lessons: Individual Bookings
Tennis Lessons:聽 Wednesdays & Thursdays, 8:10AM – 8:50AM
Dance Lessons: Wednesday’s, Lunch Time
Chess Club: Fridays, 8:00AM – 8:50AM
If you are interested in any of the above activities for your child, please see the links below for further information.